Monday, March 10, 2025


Taking A Vacation Without Being Taken In By A Travel Agent

October 1, 20200

The travel industry reports profits in excess of $5.4 trillion worldwide. Travel agents earn a large amount of this money by receiving commissions on flights, hotels, cruises and even rental cars from coastal vacations. Consumers pay these travel agent commissions through hidden fees or other costs for their coastal vacation.

The high costs of travel ground many people who dream of taking a coastal vacation to forget their troubles and everyday life.

Eliminating the commission paid to a travel agent can make a vacation more affordable and attractive to almost anyone. A consumer can save 10 to 25 percent on a coastal vacation if they do not use a travel agent.

Most major airlines eliminated travel agent commissions in recent years. Many travel agencies now make money by charging for their advice for coastal vacations. This “advice” costs anywhere from $60 to $80 an hour.

Yet most consumers still choose this costly option when planning a coastal vacation. According to the American Society for Travel Agents, travel agents book:

* 87 percent of cruises
* 81 percent of tours
* 51 percent of airline tickets
* 47 percent of hotels

Consumers seeking coastal vacations can find an affordable option on their own, without using a travel agent. With money and time, consumers beat travel agents at their own game and enjoy a great coastal vacation!

1. Good research equals good coastal vacations. The adage, “Location, location” rings true when traveling. A room with an Oceanside view means different things at different hotels and travel agents know this. A travel agent knows the best hotels for travelers seeking coastal vacations.

The consumer who looks out his or her window with a clear view of beautiful beach during his or her coastal vacation will return to the hotel annually.

If litter, nudist, dirty water or other unsightly views cloud the vision from the hotel, the consumer remembers this about their coastal vacation (and not too fondly) and will tell the travel agent. Travel agents do not want to hear this kind of news.

Consumers can research their destinations for their coastal vacation and their hotels without paying a travel agent. Online travel sites provide detailed information about destinations, hotels and attractions and these sites do not charge consumers. Consumers act as their own travel agents for their coastal vacations save money.

2. Money means everything! Unfortunately, most people lack the resources to take the coastal vacation they really want and should not give any of their money to a travel agent. Many airlines, hotels and online travel sites list great deals on vacations around the world on their websites. Anyone can take advantage of these coastal vacation deals without calling a travel agent.

3. Travel agents do not know consumers as well as consumers know themselves. Would a conservative Christian want to visit a nudist beach for his or her coastal vacation?

Would an avid angler prefer a beach where that prohibits fishing? Travel agents often make crucial mistakes when booking coastal vacations for consumers because they do not know their clients.

4. Consumers can take advantage of travel agent business opportunities. Consumers with a home-based travel agent business receive discounts they pass on to friends and family.

This gives the consumer the opportunity to take a dream coastal vacation and explore a new career. A home-based travel agent business gives a consumer financial and personal freedom to take as many coastal vacations as they like.